Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis of Crude Powder and Different Extracts of Zaleya pentandra
Analysis of Zaleya petandra
Zaleya pentandra, Aizoaceae, Proximate Analysis, Phytochemicals, Secondary MetabolitesAbstract
Zaleya pentandra, a plant species found in disturbed soils and roads across Asia, Africa, and Australia, has been traditionally used for treating various ailments such as coughs, malaria, kidney stones, ulcers, and jaundice. Objectives: To conduct a quantitative examination of Z. pentandra, focusing on proximate analysis and metabolite composition and to better understand its features. Methods: Crude plant powder underwent analysis for total moisture, total ash, water-soluble ash, acid-insoluble ash, sulfated ash, water-soluble extractive, and alcohol-soluble extractive. Quantification (mg/gm) of principal metabolites i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the crude plant powder was done. Dry plant powder was subjected to counter-current extraction using n-hexane, petroleum ether, and chloroform. UV-visible and FTIR spectra were examined to determine the chemical composition. Results: Our findings showed total moisture (9.306%), total ash (21.73%), water-soluble ash (12.75%), acid-insoluble ash (0.35%), sulfated ash (29.75%), water-soluble extractive (6.23%), alcohol-soluble extractive (5.7%). Principal metabolites included high quantities of carbs (65.34), proteins (15.29), and lipids (30.90) in the crude plant powder. n-hexane (3.073%), petroleum ether (4.45%) and chloroform (7.47%) were extracted. UV-visible and FTIR spectra revealed a variety of chemicals, indicating both polar and non-polar molecules with possible oxidative characteristics. Conclusions: Z. pentandra exhibits high carbohydrate, protein, and fat content. The diverse chemical composition suggests a high oxidative potential, supporting its traditional therapeutic uses. Further research, especially in identifying and isolating bioactive components, is warranted. Z. pentandra holds promise for traditional medicine and broader applications based on its nutritional and bioactive potential.
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