About the Journal

Title of Journal: Futuristic Biotechnology

ISSN: (E) 2959-0981, (P) 2959-0973

Frequency: Quarterly (w.e.f September Issue, 2023)

Publisher: Lahore Medical Research Center LLP

Aim and Scope

Futuristic Biotechnology (FBT) publishes broad-spectrum publications with close connection to experimental activity in Biological and Biotechnology fields. FBT is intended for exploring the molecular mechanisms that support key biological processes in the fields of biochemistry, cellular biosciences, molecular biology, plant biotechnology, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and bioinformatics. Furthermore, it also covers topics related to immunology, antibody production, protein purification studies, primer synthesis, DNA sequencing, production of transgenic animal models, insect resistant crop varieties and edible and ornamental plant varieties.


Approved by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for the year 2024-25

Fee & Subscription Charges

Article Processing Fee: NONE

Article Publication Fee (National) Rs 20000 / Article

Article Publication Fee (International ) 200 USD / Article

Printed Version (Selected Articles on Authors Request): Rs 2500/per copy

If an author has no funds to pay such charges, he may request for full or partial waiver of publication fees. The decision may however vary from case to case.

We do not want charges to prevent the publication of worthy material.

Annual Subscription for Printed Versions

For Institutes: Rs 20,000/ Annually

Single Copy (Selected Articles): Rs 2500/-

Waiver Policy

If an author has no funds to pay such charges, he may request for full or partial waiver of publication fees. The decision may however vary from case to case.

We do not want charges to prevent the publication of worthy material.


Submission are welcome and may be submitted here: editor@fbtjournal.com